Let’s chat

I appreciate you coming out to the Single Social Introverts Meetup and have decided to take a step towards figuring out how to navigate your dating life.

On this call, we will be talking about your main obstacle that may be in the way of finding that right person for you. I, will then, provide a blueprint of what to do to get to the desired result. We will also see if we’re a good fit for further support and guidance.

It’ll be fun 🙂 I look forward to speaking to you soon! Schedule your time below.

Who will you be talking to?

Tedx Speaker, previous eHarmony’s Lead Matchmaker & Coach, with almost a decade of experience in the dating/relationship field…Ruby Le.

Watch her Tedx Video below.

To find more about Ruby’s professional background, please visit this link here.

Please note: After working with hundreds of single men and women, Ruby currently mainly works with men from all over the U.S. (as you can see from the website link about). However, she works with women only through the Single Social Introverts events, referral, and word of mouth.

Watch her client testimonials below: